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p; better Economy
one of the issues season 7 and season 6 had was that there weren’t enough ways to spend money. Adding more ways to spend money will improve the economy in season 8.
purchasable plot Limits and customizations
purchasable plot biome change 10k each time (It’s rarely used so it should charge more.)
purchasable plot name change (10k first time, 20k second time, 40k third time, etc.), so players can work for the plot name they want, instead of trying to win a petition of claiming names as early as possible.
purchasable plot beacon limit: 10k for 1 beacon, 20k for 2 beacons, 40k for 3 beacons, 80k for 4 beacons, etc.
purchasable plot heads limit: 20k for every 5 heads.
purchasable plot holoskulls limit: 20k for each holoskull.
purchasable chestshop limit: 1000 for every 5 buying\/selling signs.
purchasable mob limit: 10k for first 5 mobs, 20k for the next 5, 40k for the next 5, etc. Up to 25 mobs per plot.
purchasable Spawn Eggs (NotE: mobs can't be bred on plots)
Add purchasable mob spawn eggs to \/shop. they provide nice ways to get pets on plots. price should be 100k each minimum so plot pets remain relatively rare and special. pets should take time and effort to get. there should also be a limit on how many spawn eggs a player can buy in total, maybe 10.
purchasable Advertising Slots
Add a new page of \/shop showing player owned shops. these slots can be rented at an hourly cost of 50 per hour.
Items purchasable from \/shop
Adding purchasable items to \/shop to help and encourage overworld exploration and pvp. the price of items should be relatively high so people will try to obtain them in vanilla ways or through trading instead of considering buying them from \/shop as the first or the best option.
Add Enchanted Golden Apples to \/shop at 20k each.
Add fireworks to \/shop at 20k per stack
Add ender pearls to \/shop at 200 each.
1.8 pvp
there have been lots of suggestions of changing the pvp from 1.12 to 1.8 from the munity. Even those who pvps a lot during this season don’t seem to enjoy 1.12 pvp. Some ideas are:
changing the pvp on the entire server to 1.8 pvp (lag seems to be a concern)
making the pvp Arena similar to the current \/duel arena, which is on 1.8, and leave the other parts of the server unchanged (but with the inventory and armors carried instead of the default kits)
Adjusted quests
different from money which requires grinding farms and selling items, quest points reflect another aspect of the gameplay: persistence. quest tops should be given more recognition so it encourages more players to get on and do quests on a daily basis.
Add armor stand pedestals displaying top players in quest points.
Adjusting quest rewards and difficulties
daily quests should be easy to do with less reward (1.5k each instead of 2k each. 1 quest point each). Some good options are:
collecting a small amount (10-50) of items (easy to obtain) in inventory
Eating a small amount of food (5-20)(easy to obtain)
placing down a type of block for a number of times (2-7)
harvest a small amount of crops (50-100)
weekly quests should be more difficult than daily quests but are not very hard to do (15k each, 5 quest points each)
crafting a certain amount (45-150) of items
catching a certain amount (45-150) of fish
Killing a certain amount (45-150) of mobs
destroying a certain number (200-700) of blocks
taming mobs for a certain number (15-50) of times
trading with villagers for a certain number of times (30-100)
monthly quests should be challenging and time consuming with a relatively high reward (60k each, 15 quest points). Some good options are:
Fishing up lots (70-200) of trash
Enchanting lots (70-200) of items
Eating lots (70-200) of valuable or rare food (like golden apple, cooked fish)
Getting many (20-50) kills in pvp
breeding mobs many (70-200) times
*destroying spawners (20-50) times
New Achievement System
Adding new Achievements server-wide and season wide which can serve as nice collectibles and tutorials. For example:
“claiming a plot”
“Visiting the overworld”
“obtaining an Elytra”
“breeding a mob”
“Killing the Ender dragon”
New elytra event
Similar to boss Event, it happens in a separate arena with default kits for everyone. In the event, Everyone will be given an elytra and 2 stacks of rockets. there are floating islands containing treasure chests with points in them. the first to collect all points will be the winner of the event and will get event rewards.
changes to Kits and Rank Abilities
1.12 update introduced many new features so it's time to adjust some of the rank abilities.
An Ability for bedrock rank or higher: mending doesn’t cost xp
A new ability for emerald rank or higher (to pensate the loss of \/fly in the resources world)
the ability to move quickly in water in the overworld
A \/heal mand to remove all negative potion effects (poison, mining fatigue, etc.) which only works in resources world.
the temporary potion effect mand: Getting Speed II, Strength II, fire resistance, water breathing, and\/or night vision for 30 seconds. this mand can only be used once per 6 hours and only works in the resources world.
Kit Food
5 mushroom stew every 10 minutes (Not stackable so people only use it for food instead of trying to save it up).
better Starting Kit
Add 2 stacks of ender pearls and a saddle to the starting kit so that people have more ways to travel farther in the resources worlds at the beginning of the game when elytras aren’t available.
other changes
Updated tutorial
An updated warp tutorial with detailed information on the gameplay. It should also clearly point out the resource worlds reset daily and are not good places to build a base in.
disable auto fishing farms
*Adding restrictions on how long people can keep fishing without moving around (at least pressing one of the arrow keys)
5% of the win will be taken away for all coin flips.
Adding biggest \/cf winners and losers
Adding crop top, mob top, mining top stats and mands
Increase the price of heads to 50k each instead of 25k.
that’s it for now, but we can always add more! If you have more ideas or would like to add to or change some of the suggestions listed here, please leave a ment. Feedbacks from the munity is always helpful!
(Format credits to Kierenboal)
p; better Economy
one of the issues season 7 and season 6 had was that there weren’t enough ways to spend money. Adding more ways to spend money will improve the economy in season 8.
purchasable plot Limits and customizations
purchasable plot biome change 10k each time (It’s rarely used so it should charge more.)
purchasable plot name change (10k first time, 20k second time, 40k third time, etc.), so players can work for the plot name they want, instead of trying to win a petition of claiming names as early as possible.
purchasable plot beacon limit: 10k for 1 beacon, 20k for 2 beacons, 40k for 3 beacons, 80k for 4 beacons, etc.
purchasable plot heads limit: 20k for every 5 heads.
purchasable plot holoskulls limit: 20k for each holoskull.
purchasable chestshop limit: 1000 for every 5 buying\/selling signs.
purchasable mob limit: 10k for first 5 mobs, 20k for the next 5, 40k for the next 5, etc. Up to 25 mobs per plot.
purchasable Spawn Eggs (NotE: mobs can't be bred on plots)
Add purchasable mob spawn eggs to \/shop. they provide nice ways to get pets on plots. price should be 100k each minimum so plot pets remain relatively rare and special. pets should take time and effort to get. there should also be a limit on how many spawn eggs a player can buy in total, maybe 10.
purchasable Advertising Slots
Add a new page of \/shop showing player owned shops. these slots can be rented at an hourly cost of 50 per hour.
Items purchasable from \/shop
Adding purchasable items to \/shop to help and encourage overworld exploration and pvp. the price of items should be relatively high so people will try to obtain them in vanilla ways or through trading instead of considering buying them from \/shop as the first or the best option.
Add Enchanted Golden Apples to \/shop at 20k each.
Add fireworks to \/shop at 20k per stack
Add ender pearls to \/shop at 200 each.
1.8 pvp
there have been lots of suggestions of changing the pvp from 1.12 to 1.8 from the munity. Even those who pvps a lot during this season don’t seem to enjoy 1.12 pvp. Some ideas are:
changing the pvp on the entire server to 1.8 pvp (lag seems to be a concern)
making the pvp Arena similar to the current \/duel arena, which is on 1.8, and leave the other parts of the server unchanged (but with the inventory and armors carried instead of the default kits)
Adjusted quests
different from money which requires grinding farms and selling items, quest points reflect another aspect of the gameplay: persistence. quest tops should be given more recognition so it encourages more players to get on and do quests on a daily basis.
Add armor stand pedestals displaying top players in quest points.
Adjusting quest rewards and difficulties
daily quests should be easy to do with less reward (1.5k each instead of 2k each. 1 quest point each). Some good options are:
collecting a small amount (10-50) of items (easy to obtain) in inventory
Eating a small amount of food (5-20)(easy to obtain)
placing down a type of block for a number of times (2-7)
harvest a small amount of crops (50-100)
weekly quests should be more difficult than daily quests but are not very hard to do (15k each, 5 quest points each)
crafting a certain amount (45-150) of items
catching a certain amount (45-150) of fish
Killing a certain amount (45-150) of mobs
destroying a certain number (200-700) of blocks
taming mobs for a certain number (15-50) of times
trading with villagers for a certain number of times (30-100)
monthly quests should be challenging and time consuming with a relatively high reward (60k each, 15 quest points). Some good options are:
Fishing up lots (70-200) of trash
Enchanting lots (70-200) of items
Eating lots (70-200) of valuable or rare food (like golden apple, cooked fish)
Getting many (20-50) kills in pvp
breeding mobs many (70-200) times
*destroying spawners (20-50) times
New Achievement System
Adding new Achievements server-wide and season wide which can serve as nice collectibles and tutorials. For example:
“claiming a plot”
“Visiting the overworld”
“obtaining an Elytra”
“breeding a mob”
“Killing the Ender dragon”
New elytra event
Similar to boss Event, it happens in a separate arena with default kits for everyone. In the event, Everyone will be given an elytra and 2 stacks of rockets. there are floating islands containing treasure chests with points in them. the first to collect all points will be the winner of the event and will get event rewards.
changes to Kits and Rank Abilities
1.12 update introduced many new features so it's time to adjust some of the rank abilities.
An Ability for bedrock rank or higher: mending doesn’t cost xp
A new ability for emerald rank or higher (to pensate the loss of \/fly in the resources world)
the ability to move quickly in water in the overworld
A \/heal mand to remove all negative potion effects (poison, mining fatigue, etc.) which only works in resources world.
the temporary potion effect mand: Getting Speed II, Strength II, fire resistance, water breathing, and\/or night vision for 30 seconds. this mand can only be used once per 6 hours and only works in the resources world.
Kit Food
5 mushroom stew every 10 minutes (Not stackable so people only use it for food instead of trying to save it up).
better Starting Kit
Add 2 stacks of ender pearls and a saddle to the starting kit so that people have more ways to travel farther in the resources worlds at the beginning of the game when elytras aren’t available.
other changes
Updated tutorial
An updated warp tutorial with detailed information on the gameplay. It should also clearly point out the resource worlds reset daily and are not good places to build a base in.
disable auto fishing farms
*Adding restrictions on how long people can keep fishing without moving around (at least pressing one of the arrow keys)
5% of the win will be taken away for all coin flips.
Adding biggest \/cf winners and losers
Adding crop top, mob top, mining top stats and mands
Increase the price of heads to 50k each instead of 25k.
that’s it for now, but we can always add more! If you have more ideas or would like to add to or change some of the suggestions listed here, please leave a ment. Feedbacks from the munity is always helpful!
(Format credits to Kierenboal)